Our research facility is open from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm 

every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  

We are not usually open on Public Holidays. 

Meeting dates for 2024:

This year we are trialling something new.

Our General Meetings will be held on Saturday 2rd February, Thursday 2nd May, Saturday 3rd August and Thursday 7th November.  Apart from February, there will be no guest speaker on these days.  However, we will still have our terrific morning tea.

Guest Speaker Days will be held on Saturday 3rd February, Thursday 7th March, Saturday 6th April, Saturday 1st June, Thursday 4th July, and Thursday 5th September.  At these get-togethers, we will have a guest speaker presentation, our morning tea, then everyone will have time to stay and chat, ask a question about research or computers, or do some research.   Our Guest Speaker presentations are always very interesting and enjoyable. We are very grateful that they take time to come to our society and give us an interesting talk.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 5th October.

You are welcome to join us even though you may not be a member (yet). 

If you would like to check that the rooms are open, you can  contact us.