
If you would like to join our society, please download and print this membership form, and forward it to the society (with a cheque or money order).

Membership Form  (288Kb)

If you would like the details of your family added to our Member's Interest List and published on this website, please download and print this form.  Either drop it into our library, post it, or email a scan to us.

Member's Interest List     (236Kb)

Research and Record Keeping.

When you are doing reseach of any kind, keeping a record of where and when you found your information can be very helpful (if not absolutely vital).  To assist our researchers, we have a number of forms that may be of assistance. 

These are zipped files, when you click the name you will be prompted to Open, Save or Save As.  Choose 'Save As', then select the folder into which you would like to save it. 

Pedigree Chart  (104Kb)

Ancestral Chart   (34Kb)

Family Group Sheet

Family Group Chart

Research Calender

Research Log

We also have a very large 9 generation pedigree chart at our facility, members are welcome to take one (a gold coin for non-members).