Our library catalogue is a terrific resource for research.  It is an ever-growing asset, thanks to the wonderful donations from our members, friends and other supporters and also the hard work of our volunteers at fund-raising events like Sausage Sizzles.

The catalogue is arranged by Country, it is listed in order by State, Town, then by Catalogue Number.  Once you have opened or downloaded the PDF, you can search it for a particular name or word.  (if the search bar doesn't show up, press "CTRL + F")

Library Catalogue: Australia and New Zealand  (download 983Kb) 

UK Library Catalogue  (download 746Kb)

Germany, USA, etc Catalogue  (download 442Kb)

Maps Catalogue  (download 454Kb)

Miscellaneous, postcards, folders (download 382K)

Other Countries of the World  (download 315Kb)

Country & County Codes for  Britain  (download 260Kb)

Catalogue Codes

A Atlases and Street Directories
B Indexes
C Cemeteries
D Directories
E Electoral Rolls
F Microfiche
G Genealogical Guides
H History
J Journals and Magazines
K Geography
LP CD - Family History
M Military
N Newspapers
OH Oral Histories by Lesley Barnsley
P People and Family Histories  *
Q Dictionaries
R Maps
S Schools and Teachers
TD Telephone Directories
V Churches, Church Records,   Bishop's Transcripts
X Occupations
Z Miscellaneous Files


*  P -  People and Family Histories- this category is listed in alphabetical order - A =1, B=2, etc. to Z=26,  any family history books that are not about a single surname are numbered as they are received from 27 onward.

Note - items with a code ending in 000-000 will have the proper catalogue number with the Title.  Some books have subjects that cover more than one area of interest,  By using these generic numbers, we can put an entry in several places in the catalogue so the researcher can find it more easily.